As far as its memory type goes, it falls into the Non-Volatile category. In addition, memory ics is available in a Bulk case as well. There is a TO-226-3, TO-92-3 (TO-226AA) case embedded in it. The memory size of the chip is 256b 32 x 8 Mb. There is a mainstream memory format used by this device, which is called EEPROM-format memory. A wide operating temperature range makes this device ideal for a variety of demanding applications. The recommended mounting type for this device is Through Hole. On the chip, there are 3 terminations. It supports up to 1 functions for comprehensive operation. There is a requirement for 5V to be supplied to this ic memory chip in order to operate. A device's base part number, DS2430A, is often used in order to identify similar components. The memory device is enclosed in a package with an 3-pin connector. This memory device has 3 pins, indicating it has 3 memory locations. Despite all its merits, this chip also features MICROLAN COMPATIBLE to boost system performance.