Frequency 200MHz is set on the programmable timer.It is used to pack in Tube case. The minimum operating temperature of the chip must not be lower than -40°C. It's best to use the timer clock when the temperature is below 85°C. The timer clock contains 10 pins. The digital timer's operating supply voltage is rated 3.3V voltage. The supply voltage of the programmable timer can rate 3.3V. The sum of the IC chip pins is 10 . The number of the chip's terminations sums up to 10. The minimum supply voltage of the chip must not be lower than 2.97V. The supply voltage of this chip should not exceed 3.63V.
DS4625P+150/200 Features
Operate frequency at 200MHz Package / Case: Tube Max Operating temperature at -40°C
DS4625P+150/200 Applications
There are a lot of Maxim Integrated DS4625P+150/200 Programmable Timers & Oscillators applications.