The electronic component is convenient to ship overseas because it is packed in a 16-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width). A high level of reliability can be achieved through the use of an advanced packaging method Tube. There is an analog multiplexer mounted in position Surface Mount. Multiplexers and demultiplexers have a number of circuits 1:1. Temperatures around -40°C~85°C TA are extended for operation. Total terminations are 16. As a result of its 1 channels, this electronic component provides high-quality output. If the voltage supply is 15V volts, the electrical component should be turned on and run. It is part of the design of the 16 series that this electronic component is included. A SPST - NC switching circuit is used for these analog switches. The circuits in this analogue multiplexer number 2. Try searching for MAX4680 variants of the analog switch ic. The internal resistance of this digital multiplexer is 1.25Ohm. The datasheets for the 16 pins explain the functions. There is a standard Multiplexer or Switches analogue multiplexer here. In normalcircumstances, users should not exceed 36V volts for the multiplexer. There should be 4.5V voltage fed to the electrical part below 4.5V. It is possible to supply this switch device with dual voltages. However, it is not advisable to exceed 20V. A dual power supply should have at least 4.5V voltage attached. The digital multiplexer has SEPARATE OUTPUT outputs that can be used.
MAX4680EWE Features
1 Channels Switch Circuit: SPST - NC
MAX4680EWE Applications
There are a lot of Maxim Integrated MAX4680EWE Analog Switches & Multiplexers ICs applications.