15V volts power it. The Other Converters family of FPGAs includes this part. The total number of terminations is 16. The device is designed with 16 pins in total. It is powered by a 12/15-5V battery, which can be purchased separately. In this module, 125°C is the maximum operating temperature at which it can operate. Over -55°C, the operating temperature should be higher. The device has a total of 16 pins on it.
MAX536AMDE Features
16 pin count 16 pins
MAX536AMDE Applications
There are a lot of Maxim Integrated MAX536AMDE Digital to Analog Converters (DAC) applications.
Motor Control
Data Distribution System
Digital Potentiometer
Software Radio
Wireless infrastructure:
Wideband communications:
LMDS/MMDS, point-to-point
RF signal generators, arbitrary waveform generators