PIC18F27Q43-E/STX Description
PIC18F27Q43-E/STX is a 28-pin Low-Power, High-Performance Microcontroller with XLP Technology. The PIC18F27Q43-E/STX features a 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with Computation (ADCC) automating Capacitive Voltage Divider (CVD) techniques for advanced capacitive touch sensing, averaging, filtering, oversampling, and threshold comparison. This family showcases a new 16-bit Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) module which provides dual independent outputs on the same time base.
PIC18F27Q43-E/STX Features
C Compiler Optimized RISC Architecture
DC – 64 MHz clock input
62.5 ns minimum instruction cycle
Six Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controllers
Vectored Interrupt Capability
127-Level Deep Hardware Stack
Low-Current Power-on Reset (POR)
Configurable Power-up Timer (PWRT)
Brown-out Reset (BOR)
Low-Power BOR (LPBOR) Option
PIC18F27Q43-E/STX Applications
Body electronics & lighting
Electronic point of sale (EPOS)
Personal electronics