In terms of its memory type, it can be classified as Non-Volatile. In addition, memory ics is available in a Tube case as well. There is a 8-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) case embedded in it. There is 2Kb 256 x 8 of memory on the chip. This device uses a EEPROM-format memory, which is of mainstream design. Suitable for use in a wide range of demanding applications, this device offers an extended operating temperature range of -40°C~85°C TA. A voltage of 1.8V~5.5V can be supplied to memory ics. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. The chip is terminated with 8 terminations. This part supports as many as 1 functions for the comprehensive working procedure. There is a requirement for 2.5V to be supplied to this ic memory chip in order to operate. There is a clock frequency rotation of the memory within a 10MHz range. Similar parts are frequently selected using 25AA02UID, the device's base part number. It is encased in an 8-pin package that contains this ic memory chip. It is rated for a nominal supply current of 5mA for this memory component. Its SPI-type serial bus helps transfer data to the CPU efficiently.