Non-Volatile is its memory type. In addition, memory ics is available in a Tape & Reel (TR) case as well. An embedded 8-VDFN Exposed Pad case surrounds memory ics. A memory chip with a capacity of 512Kb 64K x 8 is used on this device. There is a mainstream memory format used by this device, which is called EEPROM-format memory. Featuring an extended operating temperature range of -40°C~125°C TA, this device allows it to be used in a variety of demanding applications. The device is capable of handling a supply voltage of 2.5V~5.5V. There is a recommendation that Surface Mount mounting type should be used for this product. In this memory, the clock frequency rotation is within an 20MHz range. A device's base part number, 25LC512, is often used in order to identify similar components. This memory device is enclosed in a 8-pin package. Chips such as this one are mounted using Surface Mount mounting, a straightforward method of mounting that is effective. It is rated 5mA for its nominal supply current when it comes to the memory component. There must not be a minimum operating temperature of less than -40°C for this device. The temperature should not exceed 125°C degrees Celsius. The minimum supply voltage for this part should not be less than 2.5V. This part requires a minimum voltage of 5.5V. In this memory chip, data is processed at a frequency of 20MHz. It is possible to run this memory at a maximum frequency of up to 20MHz.
25LC512T-E/MF Features
Package / Case: 8-VDFN Exposed Pad 8 Pins Freguency at 20MHz 20MHz terminals
25LC512T-E/MF Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology 25LC512T-E/MF Memory applications.