In this case, the memory type of the device can be classified as Non-Volatile. It is available in a case with a Tape & Reel (TR) shape. In the case of SOT-23-5 Thin, TSOT-23-5, it is embedded within the case. The memory size of the chip is 16Kb 2K x 8 Mb. In this device, the memory is of the EEPROM-format, which is a popular format in the mainstream computing sector. Due to its wide operating temperature range, this device can be used in a wide variety of demanding applications. The device is capable of handling a supply voltage of 1.8V~5.5V volts. It is recommended to mount it in the Surface Mount mounting type. It has a clock frequency of 1MHz. Similar parts are frequently selected using the ic memory chip's base part number, AT24C16. The ic memory chip comes in a package with 5 pins that allows it to be connected to a computer. The operating supply voltage of this memory chip is noted to be 3.3V. This chip is configured to use Surface Mount mounting, a straight forward, high-efficiency mounting fashion. There is a nominal supply current rating of 3mA for this memory component. This device must operate at a minimum temperature of -40°C. It should not be operated above 85°C°C. This part should have a minimum supply voltage of 1.8V. Ideally, this part should be supplied with a voltage of at least 3.6V. The frequency of data processing on this memory chip is 1MHz. As far as the maximum frequency of this memory is concerned, it can reach as high as 1MHz.