In terms of its memory type, it can be classified as Non-Volatile. In addition, memory ics is available in a Tube case as well. The file is embedded in a 8-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm) case. There is an 32Kb 4K x 8 memory capacity on the chip. This device uses takes advantage of the EEPROM format. Due to its wide operating temperature range, this device can be used in a wide variety of demanding applications. A voltage of 1.8V~5.5V is possible to be applied to the supply. It is recommended to mount it in the Through Hole mounting type. There are 8 terminations on the chip. This part supports as many as 1 functions for the comprehensive working procedure. Memory devices such as this one are designed to be powered by 2.5V and should be used as such. With a clock frequency of 400kHz, the memory rotates on its own. A device's base part number, AT24C32, is often used in order to identify similar components. Although it has all the merits this chip has, it is also equipped with DATA RETENTION: 100 YEARS to give a performance boost to the system. The power supply needed for this memory chip is only 2/5V . Integrated into this memory is a I2C-type serial bus that facilitates data transmission to the CPU. The device is able to run from a max supply current of 0.003mA , so it can be used in any environment.