Non-Volatile is its memory type. You can get memory ics in a Tube case. The case is embedded in 8-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width). The memory size of the chip is 32Kb 4K x 8 Mb. This device utilizes a EEPROM format memory which is of mainstream design. This device has an extended operating temperature range of -40°C~85°C TA, so it's perfect for a wide range of demanding applications. The supply voltage can be up to 1.8V~5.5V. The recommended mounting type for this device is Surface Mount. A clock frequency rotation within 1MHz is used for the ic memory chip to rotate data. Similar parts are frequently selected using the ic memory chip's base part number, AT24C32. The ic memory chip comes in a package with 8 pins that allows it to be connected to a computer. It is noted that the operating supply voltage of this memory is 3.3V. It uses Surface Mount mounting, which is an efficient, straightforward mounting method. As far as the nominal supply current of this memory component is concerned, it is rated at 3mA. The minimum operating temperature of this device must not be less than -40°C. The part should not be operated at temperatures above 85°C degrees Celsius as otherwise, the part may be damaged due to the excessive amount of heat. In order for this part to work properly, there must be a minimum voltage supply of 1.8V volts. This part requires a minimum voltage of 5.5V. In this memory chip, data is processed at a frequency of 1MHz. This ic memory chip runs at a maximum frequency up to 1MHz.