In the package 100-TQFP, this product is provided. The device has 78 I/O ports for more coherent data transfer. A fundamental building block is made up of 1024 logic elements/cells. An FPGA module can be attached to a development board with a Surface Mount-pin. In order for it to operate, the supply voltage must be 4.75V~5.25V . The AT40K/KLV series FPGA is a type of FPGA that belongs to the AT40K/KLV family of FPGAs. While operating, the operating temperature should be kept within a range of 0°C~70°C TC. Unlike other FPGA models, this one is contained in Tray for the sake of space saving. The RAM bits that this device offer is 8192. AT40K20 is the base part number that can be used to identify related parts. The FPGA module's RAM si1kBe reaches 1kB in order to ensure that the program operates in a normal manner. It has a total of 100 pins that are designed for it. In order for this FPGA to work properly in accordance with its specifications, it is necessary that it is mounted in Surface Mount. Its flexibility is fully utilized when operated with a supply voltage of 3.3V. In this module, 70°C is the maximum operating temperature at which fpga electronics can operate. The operating temperature should be higher than 0°C. The basic building block of this system consists of 30000 gates. A basic building block of this system consists of 1024 logic blocks (LABs). In this FPGA module, there is a memory of 1kB available for storing applications and data. The data is stored and transferred using 1024 registers that are used for this purpose. A FPGA of this type can achieve a speed as high as 100MHz. Its supplier package is called 100-TQFP (14x14).
AT40K20-2AQC Features
78 I/Os Up to 8192 RAM bits 100 LABs/CLBs 70°C gates 1024 logic blocks (LABs) 1024 registers
AT40K20-2AQC Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology AT40K20-2AQC FPGAs applications.
Data Mining
Aircraft navigation
Integrating multiple SPLDs
Enterprise networking
Wireless Communications
Solar Energy
Video & Image Processing
Automotive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)