Non-Volatile is its memory type. It is available in a case with a Tube shape. The case is embedded in 32-LCC (J-Lead). The memory size of the chip is 512Kb 64K x 8 Mb. FLASH-format memory is used in this device, which is a mainstream design. This device has an extended operating temperature range of 0°C~70°C TC, so it's perfect for a wide range of demanding applications. A voltage of 4.5V~5.5V is possible to be applied to the supply. The recommended mounting type for this device is Surface Mount. When selecting similar parts for the ic memory chip, AT49F512 is often referred to.
AT49F512-70JC Features
Package / Case: 32-LCC (J-Lead)
AT49F512-70JC Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology AT49F512-70JC Memory applications.