With a packing size of 289-LFBGA, this embedded microprocessor is ideal for international shipping. High reliability is achieved with advanced packaging method Tape & Reel (TR). CPUs have 1 Core 32-Bit cores/bus width. Be aware of the operating temperature around -40°C~85°C TA. A SAMA5D2 series item. A ARM® Cortex®-A5 processor is present in this CPU. The CPU contains LPDDR1, LPDDR2, LPDDR3, DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L, QSPI RAM controllers. This microprocessor is equipped with an interface of I2C, SMC, SPI, UART, USART, QSPI. 3.3V is the CPU's I/O address. I would rate this as a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC for the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. You can search for variants of a microprocessor with ATSAMA5D28. As a whole, there are 361 terminations. A 1.2V voltage supply should be used to turn on and run the cpu microprocessor. There is a 32-Bit architecture in it. A maximum supply current of 1.3V can be achieved by the microprocessor. As a typical Microprocessors - MPU, this cpu microprocessor has Microprocessors - MPU display. In order to transfer data, there is a bandwidth of 32 bit. The CPU here has 1 Core cores. As of 1.8 V, the CPU microprocessor is capable of functioning. CPU microprocessors with clock frequencies of 24MHz operate. A supplier offers a 289-LFBGA (14x14) package. An example of a 6 Timer counter can be found here. A serial communication interface is available for data communication between peripherals on 10. The DMA (Direct Memory Access) process is programmed using 51 channels.
ARM® Cortex®-A5 Core 32-Bit Structure 32 bit-Bit Data Bus Width 1 Core-Core CPU
ATSAMA5D28C-LD1G-CUR Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology ATSAMA5D28C-LD1G-CUR Microprocessor applications.