The HV513 is an eight high voltage push-pull output low voltage serial to high voltage parallel converter. This gadget is intended to power tiny capacitive loads like piezoelectric transducers. It can also be used in any application that calls for many high voltage outputs, as well as one that needs a medium current source and sink. The component has an 8-bit shift register, 8 latches, and control circuitry for polarity selection and output blanking. On the clock's low to high transition, data is shifted through the shift register. For cascading devices, a data output buffer is offered. The LE, BL, POL, or HI-Z control inputs do not alter how the shift register operates. When the LE is high, information is sent from the shift register to the latch. When LE is low, the data in the latch is stored. All of the outputs can be put in a high-Z state using the high-Z (HI-Z) pin.