128-BFQFP encloses the ICs.A package named Tray contains integrated circuit.In order to mount integrated circuit, integrated circuit is done in the way of Surface Mount.In various integrated circuits, it is referred to as a 10/100 Integrated Switch.Similar integrated circuit systems can be found by searching for the KSZ8995 family.Putting the ICs in Port Switch/Network Interface is appropriate.There are 128 pins available in the ICs applications.In order to make this ICs application work properly, it should be mounted at Surface Mount.The integrated circuit chip's temperature should not be higher than 70°C when you use it.The integrated circuit system should not operate lower than 0°C operating temperature.Supply voltage 3.6V is compatible with this integrated circuit.This integrated circuit requires a voltage of at least 3V.This ICs complete is packaged by 128-PQFP (14x20).In terms of operating voltage, the application specific integrated circuit's rating is 3.45V.