The MIC2025-1YM is a high-side MOSFET switch optimized for general-purpose power distribution requiring circuit protection. The MIC2025-1YM is an internally current limited and has a thermal shutdown that protects the device and load. The MIC2025-1YM offers a “smart” thermal shutdown that reduces current consumption in fault modes. When a thermal shutdown fault occurs, the output is latched off until the faulty load is removed. Removing the load or toggling the enable input will reset the device output.
MIC2025-1YM Features
140 mΩ Maximum On-Resistance
2.7V to 5.5V Operating Range
500 mA Minimum Continuous Output Current
Short-Circuit Protection with Thermal Shutdown
Fault Status Flag with 3 ms Filter Eliminates False Assertions
Undervoltage Lockout
Reverse Current Flow Blocking (No “Body Diode”)
Circuit Breaker Mode (MIC2075) Reduces Power Consumption