It is packaged using materials from Bulk. It is mounted on the PCB using Surface Mount. A significant part of the SOT-23-6's popularity in the electronic industry is its low package cost. The 2V~5.5V Supply Voltage ensures that it operates normally. Up to 1 is used as an input. Standard grade applications are classified as type Proximity Only. Temperature -40°C~85°C should always be maintained during operation. The current supply for this system is provided by 340μA. There are Up to 1 channels on the LED drivers. Its pin number remains 6. There is a MTCH101 component on the gadget that is the largest. As part of the Surface Mount mount, it is included. A 1 channel is used for transmitting data.
MTCH101-I/OT Features
SOT-23-6 package Up to 1 LED driver channels
MTCH101-I/OT Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology MTCH101-I/OT Capacitive Sensors applications.