An 8-bit, 18-pin Flash microcontroller with XLP technology is the PIC16F1847-I/SO. This device family features an upgraded mid-range 8-bit CPU core. The 49 instructions on the CPU. Automatic context saving is part of the interrupt capability. The hardware stack has a depth of 16 levels and can reset overflow and underflow conditions. The microcontroller has three different addressing modes: direct, indirect, and relative. Program and data memory can be read using two file select registers (FSRs). The improved mid-range core can address a 32k x 14 program memory region with a 15-bit program counter. When accessing a place above these lines, the implemented memory space will wrap around. The interrupt vector is located at 0004h, while the reset vector is at 0000h.
PIC16F1847-I/SO Features
Brown-out reset (BOR)
One 16-bit Timer (TMR1)
On board in-circuit debug
Data signal modulator module
25mA Source/sink current I/O
Enhanced power-on/off-reset
Programmable code protection
Extended watchdog timer (WDT)
Extended watchdog timer (EWDT)
MI²C, SPI, EUSART with auto baud
Programmable brown-out reset (BOR)
In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™)
Four 8-bit timers (TMR0/TMR2/TMR4/TMR6)
Integrated capacitive mTouch sensing module
12-channel 10-bit ADC with voltage reference
Comparators with selectable voltage reference
2 ECCP and 2 CCP (enhanced/capture compare PWM)
Flash program memory with self read/write capability
Enhanced mid-range core with 49 instruction, 16 stack levels