A 28-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) package is included. In total, it has 16 inputs and outputs. This Microcontroller is mounted using the Surface Mount mounting type. Powered by the 8-Bit core, it offers a wide range of capabilities. The type of memory that the program uses is FLASH. The temperature range of this Microcontroller is within the range of -40°C~85°C TA. PIC® XLP™ 18J series components belong to this electrical component. Its program memory size is 16KB 8K x 16. There is a PIC Core Processor inside MCU that provides this device with its power. MICROCONTROLLER uPs, uCs, and peripheral ICs make up the Microcontroller. Microcontroller is known that the chip has 28 terminations in total. The part works on a 8-bit basis. An output voltage of 3V volts is available for this Microcontroller chip. The Microcontroller chip has YES DMA channels. 16kB memory size belongs to the part. PIC18LF24J11 is the base part number that you can use to find alternatives. A good performance can be achieved at a frequency of 48MHz, as long as it is operated at a low power consumption. In order for the device to work with the motor, it utilizes the PWM channel YES. On the chip, there are 28 pins that are accessible. A total of 5 timers/counters are included in the package. A total of 28 pins are present. Devices based on the PIC series of CPUs are embedded in the device. In total, there are 10 channels for the ADC on this board.
PIC18LF24J11-I/SO Features
28-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) package Mounting type of Surface Mount
PIC18LF24J11-I/SO Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology PIC18LF24J11-I/SO Microcontroller applications.