The PIC24F16KL402 series expands Microchip's line of 16-bit microcontrollers by a wide array of affordable, low-pin-count, and low-power products. These devices offer a variety of specialized peripheral sets that let the designer to optimize both price point and features without sacrificing functionality. They are aimed at applications that need low power consumption but more computing capacity than an 8-bit platform can deliver.
PIC24F08KL200-I/ST Features
High-Performance CPU:
Power Management Modes:
On-Chip Voltage Reference
Up to 16 MIPS Operation @ 32 MHz
Operating Voltage Range of 1.8V to 3.6V
Idle - CPU Off, SRAM and Peripherals on
Run - CPU, Flash, SRAM and Peripherals on
Doze - CPU Clock Runs Slower than Peripherals
Sleep - CPU, Flash and Peripherals Off and SRAM on
10,000 Erase/Write Cycle Endurance Flash Program Memory, Typical