The embedded microprocessor has been packed in TBGA-256 for convenient overseas shipping. Using advanced packaging techniques Tray, high reliability is ensured. A CPU with 1 Core 64-Bit cores and width 1 Core 64-Bit busses is used. Understand how the operating temperature around - is determined. This is a member of the RM7065C series. With a core count of -, this CPU is multicore. A CPU with this architecture uses DDR, SDRAM RAM controllers. With its PCI interfaces, this microprocessor will be able to serve you better. The CPU runs at 2.5V 3.3V when it comes to I/O. An example of a Microprocessors - MPU microprocessor can be found here. Generally, data transfer takes place at a rate of 64 bit bandwidth. In order to function, the embedded microprocessor must be set to 1.3 V.
RM7065C-600G-D004 Features
- Core 64 bit-Bit Data Bus Width
RM7065C-600G-D004 Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology RM7065C-600G-D004 Microprocessor applications.