A 32-VFQFN Exposed Pad, 32-MLF? case is used for packaging. It is available in the case Tube. The maximum value for normal operation is 4.5GHz. As far as I can tell, it is mounted by Surface Mount. This electronic part is classified as Fanout Buffer (Distribution), Multiplexer. It is recommended to set the temperature to -40°C~85°C so the system can perform reliably. The clock switch should operate with a voltage of 2.375V~2.625VV. In the direction of Surface Mount, it is placed. There is an output of CML. For operation, 32 pins are used. The SY56572 family contains it. At a minimum working temperature of -40°C, it maintains reliability. It is possible to achieve stable operation when the maximum operating temperature is set to 85°C. There is a default setting of output 8. A electronic part of this series belongs to the Precision Edge? family. As far as the supply voltage is concerned, it can handle up to a maximum of 2.625VV. With a voltage supply of 2.375V, this cut smart buffer can operate as low as possible. Maintaining a 2.5V supply voltage ensures maximum efficiency.
SY56572XRMG Features
The operating temperature of -40°C~85°C degrees
SY56572XRMG Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology SY56572XRMG Clock Buffers & Drivers applications.