A Non-Volatile-type memory can be classified as the memory type of this device. It is supplied votage within Tray. It is available in 88-TFBGA case. On the chip, there is an 256Mb 16M x 16 memory, which is the size of the chip's memory. This device utilizes a FLASH format memory which is of mainstream design. Due to its extended operating temperature range, the device is well suited for a wide range of demanding applications. The device is capable of handling a supply voltage of 1.7V~2V volts. There is a recommendation that Surface Mount mounting type should be used for this product. There is a clock frequency rotation of the memory within a 66MHz range. M58LR256, as the device's base part number, is frequently referred in order to select similar parts. This memory chip has an operating supply voltage of 1.8V. Chips such as this one are mounted using Surface Mount mounting, a straightforward method of mounting that is effective. Temperatures below -30°C should not be used with this memory ics. As a general rule, memory ics is recommended that the product be operated at temperatures no higher than 85°Cc, otherwise, damage could be done to it. This part should have a minimum supply voltage of 1.7V. The operating voltage shall not exceed 2V.