There is a Non-Volatile memory type associated with this device. It is available in a case with a Bulk shape. As you can see, it is embedded in 44-SOIC (0.496, 12.60mm Width) case. This chip has an 4Mb 512K x 8 256K x 16 size of memory on it, so a lot of data can be stored on it. As with most mainstream devices, this one uses FLASH-format memory. -40°C~85°C TA is an extended operating temperature range, making this device ideal for demanding applications. There is a voltage range of 3V~3.6V for the supply voltage. The recommended mounting type for this device is Surface Mount. The chip contains 44 terminations. The part supports at least 1 functions to ensure a comprehensive working process. The memory device designed for this application has been designed to be powered by an 3.3V power supply. MT28F400B3, as the device's base part number, is frequently referred in order to select similar parts. A memory device like this has 44 pins, indicating that there are 44 memory locations on the device. It also features TOP BOOT BLOCK to boost system performance despite all its merits. In terms of power requirements, this memory chip uses only 3.3V . This memory ics is capable of operating with an input current of 0.03mA at max. The programming voltage required for certain nonvolatile memory arrays is 3V. There are a total of 1213 specific sized divisions in this memory.