As far as its memory type goes, it falls into the Non-Volatile category. Case Tube is available. The case is embedded in 48-TFSOP (0.724, 18.40mm Width). On the chip, there is an 32Gb 4G x 8 memory, which is the size of the chip's memory. In this device, the memory is of the FLASH-format, which is a popular format in the mainstream computing sector. The device's extended operating temperature range of 0°C~70°C TA makes it ideal for many demanding applications. With 2.7V~3.6V as the supply voltage, it is capable of handling memory ics. It is recommended to mount it in the Surface Mount mounting type. When choosing similar parts, MT29F32G08 is frequently referred to as the device's base part number. The memory device is enclosed in a package with an 48-pin connector. This memory chip has an operating supply voltage of 3.3V. This chip uses Surface Mount mounting, a straightforward, high-efficiency method of mounting.