Its memory type can be classified as Volatile. Tray-cases are available. There is a 78-TFBGA case embedded in it. The chip has an 8Gb 1G x 8 memory. This device uses a DRAM-format memory, which is of mainstream design. Featuring an extended operating temperature range of 0°C~95°C TC, this device allows it to be used in a variety of demanding applications. There is a voltage range of 1.14V~1.26V for the supply voltage. It is recommended that the mounting type be Surface Mount. As you can see from the diagram, the chip is planted with 78 terminations. It supports up to 1 functions for comprehensive operation. In order to operate this memory device, it must be supplied with 1.2V of power. There is a clock frequency rotation of the memory within a 1.33GHz range. Despite all its merits, this chip also features AUTO/SELF REFRESH to boost system performance. Several ports on this chip are used to access one memory address for reading and writing.