Its memory type can be classified as Volatile. In addition, memory ics is available in a Bulk case as well. As you can see, it is embedded in 96-TFBGA case. The chip has an 2Gb 128M x 16 memory. As with most mainstream devices, this one uses DRAM-format memory. With an extended designed operating temperature of -40°C~105°C TC, this device is capable of lots of demanding applications. With 1.425V~1.575V as the supply voltage, it is capable of handling memory ics. There is a recommended mounting type of Surface Mount for it. On the chip, there are 96 terminations that are planted. In total, this part supports 1 functions. In order to function properly, this ic memory chip should be powered by a voltage of 1.5V. It has a clock frequency of 667MHz. A device's base part number, MT41J128M16, is often used in order to identify similar components. The memory device has a total of 96 pins, thus indicating that it has a total of 96 memory locations. This chip is not only loaded with advantages, but it also comes with AUTO/SELF REFRESH, which boosts the performance of your system. Several ports on this chip are used to access one memory address for reading and writing. The power supply needed for this memory chip is only 1.5V . A memory mapped I/O port address of COMMON bits is used in this device. It is able to operate from a max supply current of 0.425mA.
MT41J128M16HA-15E AAT:D Features
Package / Case: 96-TFBGA Additional Feature:AUTO/SELF REFRESH I/O Type: COMMON
MT41J128M16HA-15E AAT:D Applications
There are a lot of Micron Technology Inc. MT41J128M16HA-15E AAT:D Memory applications.