Non-Volatile is the type of memory it has. Bulk-cases are available. An embedded 100-LBGA case surrounds memory ics. A memory chip with a capacity of 64Gb 8G x 8 is used on this device. There is a mainstream memory format used by this device, which is called FLASH-format memory. Due to its extended operating temperature range, the device is well suited for a wide range of demanding applications. A supply voltage of 2.7V~3.6V can be applied to it. There is a recommendation that Surface Mount mounting type should be used for this product. Among the e?MMC? series of memory devices, this part is essential for its applications. It is necessary to apply 2.7V programming voltage to certain nonvolatile memory arrays in order to change their state.
Package / Case: 100-LBGA
MTFC8GLWDQ-3L AAT A Applications
There are a lot of Micron Technology Inc. MTFC8GLWDQ-3L AAT A Memory applications.