Fpga chips is supplied in the 100-BQFP package. In this kind of FPGA, FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY is used. Having 83 I/Os makes data transfers more coherent. It is powered from a supply voltage of 3.3V. An attachment Surface Mount allows the FPGA module to be attached to the development board. This device is powered by a 3V~3.6V 4.5V~5.5V battery. As part of the MX series of FPGAs, it is a type of FPGA. In order to ensure a safe and efficient operation, it is important to maintain a temperature within -40°C~85°C TA at all times. As a space-saving measure, this FPGA model is contained within Tray. In total, it has 100 terminations on each end. In order to find related parts, use the part number A42MX16 as a base. 100 pins are designed into the device. Providing that this FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount, it will be able to perform according to its specifications in a flawless manner. Designers can fully utilize its flexibility with 5V supply voltage. Fpga semiconductor is made up of 24000 gates as fpga semiconductors basic building block. A total of 100 pins are included in this device. A basic building block of this system consists of 608 logic blocks (LABs). A total of 928 registers are used for storing and transferring data between them. A FPGA of this type can achieve a speed as high as 198MHz. As well as being characterized by a feature called ALSO OPERATES AT 5V SUPPLY, it has another feature called A.