In the package 1152-BBGA, FCBGA, this product is provided. A FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY-based FPGA is one of these types. 574 I/Os are available for transferring data more efficiently. A fundamental building block is made up of 99512 logic elements/cells. In order for the device to operate, a supply voltage of 1.2V volts needs to be provided. There is a Field Programmable Gate Arrays family component in this FPGA part. The Surface Mount-slot on the development board allows you to attach the FPGA module. In order for it to operate, the supply voltage must be 1.14V~2.625V . It is a type of FPGA that belongs to the IGLOO2 series of FPGAs. Fpga chips is important to maintain the operating temperature wFpga chipshin the range of 0°C~85°C TJ when operating the machine. This device is equipped with 574 separate outputs, which makes it a very versatile device. In order to save space, this FPGA model has been contained in Tray. This device has 3637248 RAM bits, which is the number of RAM bits that this device offers. Its base part number M2GL100 can be used to find related parts. The RAM si444kBe of this FPGA module reaches 444kB to ensure normal operation of the program. Having stated that, if this FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount, then it may be able to perform fantastically according to its specifications. Fpga electronics operates from a 1.2V power supply.
M2GL100-FCG1152 Features
574 I/Os Up to 3637248 RAM bits
M2GL100-FCG1152 Applications
There are a lot of Microsemi Corporation M2GL100-FCG1152 FPGAs applications.