The package that contains this software is called 784-BBGA, FCBGA. A total of 388 I/Os allow data to be transferred in a more coherent manner. The basic building blocks of logic contain 300000 logic elements/cells. Surface Mount-connectors can be used to attach this FPGA module to the development board. Fpga chips operates at a voltage of 0.97V~1.08V and uses a battery to supply power. As part of the PolarFire? series of FPGAs, it is a type of FPGA. Operating temperatures should be maintained within the -40°C~100°C TJ range at all times when the unit is in use. This FPGA model is contained in Tray for space saving. As far as the RAM bits are concerned, this device offers you a total of 21094400. As a supplier, 784-FCBGA (29x29) is responsible for the package of its devices.
MPF300T-1FCG784I Features
388 I/Os Up to 21094400 RAM bits
MPF300T-1FCG784I Applications
There are a lot of Microsemi Corporation MPF300T-1FCG784I FPGAs applications.