Mill-Max Sockets for ICs, Transistors 110-13-320-41-001000 are a series of 20-position gold-plated DIP sockets designed for use with integrated circuits (ICs) and transistors. These sockets feature a low-profile design with a 0.100" (2.54mm) pitch, allowing them to fit into tight spaces. The gold plating ensures a reliable connection and prevents corrosion. The sockets are designed to be soldered directly to a PCB, and they are rated for up to 10,000 insertions.
Features of Mill-Max Sockets for ICs, Transistors 110-13-320-41-001000 include:
• Low-profile design with 0.100" (2.54mm) pitch • Gold-plated contacts for reliable connection and corrosion prevention • Rated for up to 10,000 insertions • Solderable directly to a PCB
Applications of Mill-Max Sockets for ICs, Transistors 110-13-320-41-001000 include:
• Connecting ICs and transistors to a PCB • Automated testing of ICs and transistors • Prototyping and development of electronic circuits