Mill-Max Sockets for ICs, Transistors 110-93-324-41-001000 are a series of 24-position gold-plated DIP sockets designed for use with integrated circuits (ICs) and transistors. These sockets feature a low-profile design and are made of high-temperature thermoplastic for reliable performance. The gold-plated contacts provide excellent electrical contact and corrosion resistance. The sockets are designed to fit standard 0.3" DIP ICs and transistors.
Features: - 24-position gold-plated DIP sockets - Low-profile design - High-temperature thermoplastic construction - Gold-plated contacts for excellent electrical contact and corrosion resistance - Designed to fit standard 0.3" DIP ICs and transistors
Applications: Mill-Max Sockets for ICs, Transistors 110-93-324-41-001000 are ideal for use in a variety of applications, including prototyping, testing, and production. They are suitable for use in consumer electronics, automotive, industrial, and medical applications.