Mill-Max Sockets for ICs, Transistors 115-93-640-41-003000 are 40-position gold-plated DIP sockets designed for use with integrated circuits (ICs) and transistors. These sockets feature a low-profile design with a maximum height of 0.25 inches, making them ideal for use in tight spaces. The gold-plated contacts provide reliable electrical connections and are corrosion-resistant for long-term use. The sockets are designed to accept ICs and transistors with a 0.3-inch lead spacing.
Features of Mill-Max Sockets for ICs, Transistors 115-93-640-41-003000 include:
• Low-profile design with a maximum height of 0.25 inches • Gold-plated contacts for reliable electrical connections • Corrosion-resistant for long-term use • Designed to accept ICs and transistors with a 0.3-inch lead spacing
Applications of Mill-Max Sockets for ICs, Transistors 115-93-640-41-003000 include:
• Prototyping and testing of ICs and transistors • Repair and replacement of ICs and transistors • Use in tight spaces where a low-profile socket is required