20-SSOP (0.209, 5.30mm Width) contains it. As a result, it has a packaging of Tube. Tri-State is the output configured for it. D-Type Transparent Latch is the logic type of this electrical device. The way in which this electronic part is mounted is Surface Mount. It operates with a supply voltage of 4.5V~5.5V. There is a temperature of -40°C~125°C at which the system operates. In the 74HCT series, this FPGA is located. With this electronic part, there are 8 bits. In this device, there are 20 terminations that have been designed. As a member of the 74HCT573 family, it falls under that category. The device works with a voltage of 5V for its supply voltage. It is equipped with 20 pin count. In the world of electronics, this electronic device belongs to the family of HCT. It is designed with 20 pins. Mounting this electronic component follows the Surface Mount method. This device has 2 ports that can be connected to it. In the circuit, there are 8 input lines that are constituted by an electronic circuit. The supply voltage should be maintained at 5V for high efficiency. Without external influences, it consumes 8μA quiescent current. In addition to that, it is also characterized by BROADSIDE VERSION OF 373.
74HCT573DB,112 Features
20-SSOP (0.209, 5.30mm Width) package 74HCT series 8 Bits 74HCT573 family 20 pin count 20 pins
74HCT573DB,112 Applications
There are a lot of Nexperia USA Inc. 74HCT573DB,112 Latches applications.