Description: Nexperia PEMD2,115 is a pre-biased/digital bipolar transistor array with NPN and PNP complementary transistors. It is designed to provide a high level of performance and reliability in a wide range of applications. The device has a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 50 V and a maximum collector current of 100 mA. It also has a maximum collector-emitter saturation voltage of 22 kohm.
Features: • Pre-biased/digital bipolar transistor array • NPN and PNP complementary transistors • Maximum collector-emitter voltage of 50 V • Maximum collector current of 100 mA • Maximum collector-emitter saturation voltage of 22 kohm
Applications: Nexperia PEMD2,115 is suitable for a wide range of applications, including power management, motor control, and audio/video applications. It can also be used in automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics applications.