Case Tape & Reel (TR) is delivered.The product is packaged in a 28-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) case.It's best to mount Surface Mount.This device will vary its temperature range based on -25°C~85°C TA's temperature range.A supply output of 4.5V~5.5V volts can be found on the chip.An input form is available for users to fill out.Interface ics are recognized by Parallel as output types.There are 1 inputs to operate.Serializer/Deserializer is capable of maintaining 20 outputs.
NJU3718G Features
Available in 28-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) Package / Case Operating Temperature at the range of -25°C~85°C TA
NJU3718G Applications
There are a lot of NJR Corporation/NJRC NJU3718G serializers and deserializers applications.