Amp parts is possible to terminate a transmission line wAmp partsh a device matching Amp partss characteristic impedance, referred to as a 18 termination.The 18 pins are pronged contacts which are part of a signal interface in a computer or other communication device.2 channels are present on the device.There are 18 pins present on this device.This chip belongs to Audio/Video Amplifiers .To ensure normal operation, the supply voltage (Vsup) must be maintained above 13.2V .The maximum supply voltage (Vsup) is reached at 13.2V .The device is powered by a voltage of 9/13.2V volts.A maximum supply current of 60mA is achieved.This electrical device uses a AUDIO AMPLIFIER consumer IC.Amp parts is recommended that the operating temperature be at least -30°C .Amp parts is recommended that the operating temperature do not exceed 75°C °C.
NTE1367 Features
18 pin count
NTE1367 Applications
There are a lot of NTE Electronics, Inc. NTE1367 audio amplifiers applications.