A 14-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm) package is included. This package contains the Tube package, which can be downloaded here. A version of Through Hole is also available. The unit has a fully functional Single-Ended output that can be controlled. It uses the AND/OR Gate logic communication type. There are 10 Input (3, 3, 2, 2) inputs in it. This is part of the 74HC series, so it belongs to that family. The part includes terminations in the shape of a 14. For more similar parts, search 74HC58. As you can see, it is joined with 14 pins. For this part, the normal voltage is 5V. The circuit is based on 2 basic. HC/UH products include this item. In particular, this is a Gates for specialiGatesed needs. Keeping the voltage at or below 6V will protect the device. This device is dependent on 2V voltage or higher to operate. There is also a ASYMMETRICAL I/P'S feature in this part in order to improve performance.