FS32R274KSK2MMM, manufactured by NXP Semiconductors. Its category belongs to Microcontrollers - MCU. It is applied to many fields, like Communications equipment Datacom modules Industrial Aerospace & defense Enterprise systems Enterprise projectors . And the main parameters of this part is Microcontroller 32-Bit PowerPC e200z4/PowerPC e200z7 RISC 2MB Flash 257-Pin LFBGA Tray. Additionally, it is green and compliant with RoHS (Lead-free / RoHS Compliant).
FS32R274KSK2MMM Features
1.5 MB on-chip SRAM with ECC
2 MB on-chip code flash (FMC flash) with ECC
Safety core: Power Architecture? e200Z4 32-bit CPU with checker core
Dual issue computation cores: Power Architecture? e200Z7 32-bit CPU