A package that includes 14-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width). As part of this package, the Tube package is included. As well as the Surface Mount version, it is available. As far as Single-Ended outputs are concerned, it has full functionality. It uses NOR/INVERT Gate logic communication type. There has been an increase in operating temperature at -40°C~85°C. A 7 Input (3, 3, 1) input is included in it. The item is part of the 4000B series. It uses a 3V~15V-type power supply to operate. A 14 termination is included in the part. To find more parts that are similar, search 4000. An assembly of 14 pins is present. It is normal to need 5V volts for this part. Circuits are built using 2 basic. It should be noted that this is a Gates for specialiGatesed needs. Devices should have a maximum voltage under 15V. This device is dependent on 3V voltage or higher to operate. This part also includes MIXED WITH 1 INVERTER to improve performance. Power supplies of type 5/15V are generally required for the device.