MC68HC16Z1CEH25 Description
The MC68HC16X1 microcontroller (MCU) is a high-speed 16-bit device that is upwardly code-compatible with M68HC11 controllers. It is a member of the M68300/68HC16 Family of modular microcontrollers. M68HC16 controllers are built up from standard modules that interface via a common intermodule
bus (IMB). Standardization facilitates the rapid development of devices tailored for specific applications.
MC68HC16Z1CEH25 Features
Central Processing Unit (CPU16)
- 16- Bit Architecture
- Full Set of 16-Bit Instructions
一Three 16-Bit Index Registers
一Two 16-Bit Accumulators
-Control-Oriented Diqital Signal Processing Capability
一1 Megabyite of Program Memory and 1 Megabyte of Data Memory
一High-L evel Language Support
一Fast interrupt Response Time
- Background Debugging Mode
Single-Chip Integration Module (SCIM)
-Single-Chip or Expanded Modes of Operation
External Bus Support in Expanded Mode
- Nine Programmable Chip Select Outputs
- System Protection Logic
一Watchdog Timer, Clock Monitor, and Bus Monitor
一Parallel Ports Option on Address and Data Bus in Single-Chip Mode
- Phase-Locked Loop (PL) Clock System
General-Purpose Timer (GPT)
-Two 16-Bit Free- Running Counters with Prescaler
-Three Input Capture Channels
- Four Output Compare Channels
一One Input Capture/Output Compare Channel
一One Pulse Accumulator/Event Counter Input
一Two Pulse-Width Modulation Outputs
- Optional External Clock Input
8/10-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
一Six Channels, Eight Result Registers
一Eight Automated Modes
- Three Result Alignment Modes
Queued Serial Module (QSM)
一Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)
- Serial Communication Interface (SCI)
2 Kbyte Standby RAM Module (SRAM)
一Extemal Standby Vltage Supply Input for Low.-Power Standby Operation
48 Kbyte Masked ROM Module (MRM)
-Mask-Programmed ROM Registers Can Be Re-Mapped After Reset
- Boot ROM Capability
2 Kbyte Flash EEPROM with Independently Erasable Blocks (BEFLASH)
-Bulk/Block Erase and ByeMWord Programming with 12 Volt External Input