MC705P6AMDWE Description
The microcontroller MC68HC05P6 has an EPROM variant called the MC705P6AMDWE. A 4-channel, 8-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, a 16-bit timer with output compare and input capture, a serial communications port (SIOP), and a computer operating properly (COP) watchdog timer make up this low-cost assembly. The M68HC05 CPU core has 21 input/output (I/O) pins (20 bidirectional, 1 input-only), 176 bytes of RAM, 4672 bytes of user EPROM, and 239 bytes of bootloader ROM. The 28-pin plastic dual in-line (PDIP) or 28-pin small outline integrated circuit (SOIC) packages are both available for this component.
MC705P6AMDWE Features
16-bit timer with output compare and input capture
20 bidirectional I/O lines and 1 input-only line
PC0 and PC1 high-current outputs
Single-chip, bootloader, and test modes
Power-saving stop, halt, and wait modes
Static EPROM mask option register (MOR) selectable options:
– COP watchdog timer enable or disable
– Edge-sensitive or edge- and level-sensitive external interrupt
– SIOP most significant bit (MSB) or least significant bit (LSB) first
– SIOP clock rates: OSC divided by 8, 16, 32, or 64
– Stop instruction mode, STOP or HALT
– EPROM security external lockout
– Programmable keyscan (pullups/interrupts) on PA0–PA7
Low cost
M68HC05 core
28-pin SOIC, PDIP, or windowed DIP package
4672 bytes of user EPROM (including 48 bytes of page zero EPROM and 16 bytes of user vectors)
239 bytes of bootloader ROM
176 bytes of on-chip RAM
4-channel 8-bit A/D converter
SIOP serial communications port
MC705P6AMDWE Applications