Shipping overseas is convenient since the embedded microprocessor is packed in 360-CLGA, FCCLGA. In order to provide high reliability, advanced packaging method Tray is used. Cores/Bus width is 1 Core 32-Bit. Recognize operating temperatures around 0°C~105°C TA. The cpu microprocessor belongs to the MPC74xx series. The CPU is cored with a PowerPC G4 processor. In this CPU, I/O is set to 1.8V 2.5V. In terms of uPs and uCs as well as peripheral ICs, this is a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. The microprocessor can be searched for with MC7447 if you are looking for variants. In total, there are 360 terminations. When the voltage supply is 1.3V, the cpu microprocessor should be powered on and run. In terms of architecture, it is a 32-Bit system. It can supply a maximum current of 1.35V. 64 is the width of the external data bus on this CPU. 167MHz is the microprocessor's clock frequency. The microprocessor has additional features, such as ALSO REQUIRES 1.8V OR 2.5V SUPPLY.
MC7447AVS1167NB Features
PowerPC G4 Core 32-Bit Structure
MC7447AVS1167NB Applications
There are a lot of NXP USA Inc. MC7447AVS1167NB Microprocessor applications.