MK10DN32VFM5 Description
Baseline, low-power MCUs from the Kinetis K10 50 MHz family offer great feature integration in a tiny form footprint, making them perfect for applications with limited space and budget.
MK10DN32VFM5 Features
3 to 32 MHz crystal oscillator
32 kHz crystal oscillator
Multi-purpose clock generator
Up to 50 MHz ARM Cortex-M4 core with DSP instructions delivering 1.25 Dhrystone MIPS per MHz
Multiple low-power modes to provide power optimization based on application requirements
4-channel DMA controller, supporting up to 41 request sources
External watchdog monitor
Software watchdog
Low-leakage wakeup unit
Voltage range: 1.71 to 3.6 V
Flash write voltage range: 1.71 to 3.6 V
Temperature range (ambient): -40 to 105°C
Up to 128 KB program flash.
Up to 32 KB FlexNVM on FlexMemory devices
2 KB FlexRAM on FlexMemory devices
Up to 16 KB RAM
Serial programming interface (EzPort)
Hardware CRC module to support fast cyclic redundancy checks
128-bit unique identification (ID) number per chip
16-bit SAR ADC
Two analog comparators (CMP) containing a 6-bit DAC and programmable reference input
Voltage reference
Programmable delay block
Eight-channel motor control/general purpose/PWM timer
Two-channel quadrature decoder/general purpose timer
Periodic interrupt timers
16-bit low-power timer
Carrier modulator transmitter
Real-time clock
SPI module
I2C module
Three UART modules
I2S module
MK10DN32VFM5 Applications
Enterprise systems
Personal electronics