A 32-bit Kinetis K6x Microcontroller with Ethernet crypto, the MK60DN512ZVMD10 is built around an ARM Cortex-M4 RISC architecture core and runs at a top speed of 100MHz. The device includes 100 general-purpose I/O pins, 512 kB internal flash, 128 kB internal RAM, two 16-bit SAR A/D converters, and two 12-bit D/A converters. Additionally, this device has six UART modules, three SPI modules, two I2C modules, and one I2S module among other communication interfaces.
MK60DN512ZVMD10 Features
Software watchdog
Low-leakage wakeup unit
External watchdog monitor
Programmable delay block
FlexBus external bus interface
Multi-purpose clock generator
Two transimpedance amplifiers
Serial programming interface (EzPort)
Hardware random-number generator
3 to 32MHz and 32kHz Crystal oscillator
Low-power hardware touch sensor interface (TSI)
128-bit Unique identification (ID) number per chip
Memory protection unit with multi-master protection
8-channel Motor control/general purpose/PWM timer
16-channel DMA controller, supporting up to 63 request sources
Hardware CRC module to support fast cyclic redundancy checks