P87C554SFAA,512 Description
The P87C554SFAA,512 Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcontroller is manufactured in an advanced CMOS process and is a derivative of the 80C51 microcontroller family. The P87C554SFAA,512 has the same instruction set as the 80C51. The P87C554SFAA,512 contains a 16k × 8 non-volatile EPROM, a 512 × 8 read/write data memory, five 8-bit I/O ports, one 8-bit input port, two 16-bit timer/event counters (identical to the timers of the 80C51), an additional 16-bit timer coupled to capture and compare latches, a 15-source, four-priority-level, nested interrupt structure, an 8-input ADC, a dual DAC pulse width modulated interface, two serial interfaces (UART and I2C-bus), a “watchdog” timer and on-chip oscillator and timing circuits.
P87C554SFAA,512 Features
80C51 central processing unit
16k × 8 EPROM expandable externally to 64k bytes
An additional 16-bit timer/counter coupled to four capture registers and three compare registers
Two standard 16-bit timer/counters
512 × 8 RAM, expandable externally to 64k bytes
Capable of producing eight synchronized, timed outputs
A 10-bit ADC with eight multiplexed analog inputs
Fast 8-bit ADC option
Two 8-bit resolution, pulse width modulation outputs
Five 8-bit I/O ports plus one 8-bit input port shared with analog inputs
P87C554SFAA,512 Applications
Communications equipment
Wired networking
Aerospace & Defense
Personal electronics
PC & notebooks