The embedded microprocessor has been packed in 525-FBGA, FCBGA for convenient overseas shipping. A CPU with 2 Core 64-Bit cores and width 2 Core 64-Bit busses is used. Understand how the operating temperature around -40°C~105°C TA is determined. This is a member of the QorIQ T1 series. With a core count of PowerPC e5500, this CPU is multicore. A CPU with this architecture uses DDR3L, DDR4 RAM controllers. With its I2C, MMC/SD, PCIe, SPI, UART interfaces, this microprocessor will be able to serve you better. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. Overall, there are 525 terminations. This microprocessor has an architecture of 64 bits. CPU microprocessor clock frequency is 1400MHz.
T1023NXE7PQA Features
PowerPC e5500 Core 64-Bit Structure
T1023NXE7PQA Applications
There are a lot of NXP USA Inc. T1023NXE7PQA Microprocessor applications.