1SMB5916BT3G developed by ON Semiconductor is a type of 3 watt plastic surface mount Zener voltage regulator. Its forward characteristic of the volt-ampere characteristic curve is similar to that of an ordinary diode, and the reverse characteristic is that when the reverse voltage is lower than the reverse breakdown voltage, the reverse resistance is very large and the reverse leakage current is extremely small. However, when the reverse voltage is close to the critical value of the reverse voltage, the reverse current suddenly increases, which is called breakdown. At this critical breakdown point, the reverse resistance suddenly drops to a small value. Although the current changes in a large range, the voltage across the diode is basically stable near the breakdown voltage, thereby realizing the voltage stabilizing function of the diode.
1SMB5916BT3G Features
Zener voltage range − 3.3 V to 200 V
ESD rating of class 3 (> 16 kV) per human body model
Flat handling surface for accurate placement
Package design for top side or bottom circuit board mounting