The package in which it is embedded is named 20-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width). Tube is the way it is packaged. It is configured with an output of Tri-State. This electrical device has Logic type D-Type Transparent Latch. Surface Mount is used to mount this electronic part. It operates at a voltage of 4.5V~5.5V. There is a temperature of 0°C~70°C at which the system operates. The 74F series contains FPGAs of this type. The design of this electronic part contains 8 bits. There is no doubt that it belongs to the family 74F533. The device has 20 pins. Electronic parts are mounted using the Surface Mount method. It consists of 2 input lines from which an electronic circuit can be built. Optimal efficiency requires 5V as the supply voltage. It follows that 8 output lines are generated from the binary equivalent of the input line. A total of 1 elements make up this object. The superior flexibility of the system is achieved through its use of 8 circuits. The low level output current is set to 3mA. It is set to zero for the high level output current. Lower than 70°C is the recommended operating temperature. In order for the system to operate properly, the operating temperature should be higher than 0°C. There is a maximum voltage supply of 5.5V that can be applied to it. With a voltage of 4.5V, it operates at its minimum capacity.
74F533SC Features
20-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) package 74F series 8 Bits 74F533 family 20 pins 1 elements
74F533SC Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor 74F533SC Latches applications.